This website is for informational purposes and not intended to be a general solicitation or a security offering of any kind. Potential investors and other readers are cautioned that any forward-looking statements are predictions only based on current information, assumptions and expectations that are inherently subject to risks and uncertainties that could cause future events or results to differ materially from those set forth or implied by such forward looking statements. All performance examples provided are based on assumptions and expectations in light of currently available information, industry trends and comparisons to competitor’s financials. Therefore, actual performance may, and most likely will, substantially differ from any projections and no guarantee is presented or implied as to the accuracy of specific forecasts, projections or predictive statements contained in this website. It is recommended that investors consult with their own legal and accounting counsel to evaluate whether any type of investment is suitable for their goal.
Glenwood Equity is registered to Do Business As Glenwood Equity, registration no. G21000062106 under PRM Assets, LLC, a Florida, USA, Limited Liability Company.